Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Finally, a couple of Christmas Ornament Finishes
Well, finally I sat down and finished finished a couple of ornaments that I had stitched. These have actually been finished for a little while but I have been trying to decide whether to send them off to be finished or do them myself. Today, I decided to do them myself. I think I did okay here. The one on the left is Poinsettia by Brittercup Designs-I believe it's from the 2007 JCS ornament issue. I gave it a little ethnic flair with this African print fabric I found. The fabric had so much red and green in it-that Christmas just popped into my head when I saw it. I think it goes well with design. The second one is by Lizzie Kate and it is from Tiny Tidings 13 and is called Jolly Holiday and I backed it with some appropriate holly flavored fabric.
I am woefully behind on ornaments but now that I am finished with my last exchange-the selfish stitching will commence. That sounds terrible doesn't it? I tend to have guilt working on my projects when I have an exchange to go out. I have some more ornaments to finish-but finishing is a time consuming little business. I hope to get them done prior to Christmas. I would love to have a tree with nothing but my stitched ornaments on it.
Up next, that last exchange I have been talking about-it's so cute(at least to me) That I will have a hard time parting with it. But, alas it will be going out soon-so no picture until it's received. I have worked on Simple Things and made some progress-those over one words are a headache especially when you have bad eyes like me. A picture of that coming soon too. Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
An EBay find....
Found this little finished cross stitch piece on EBay aka The Bay of Evil. I only paid about eight dollars for it and that included shipping from the United Kingdom. These dancing ladies make me laugh every time I see them. I have no idea who the designer is or what the piece is called. They are done on Aida and the stitching was super neat on the back. I had them framed and here they are!(the picture is clickable) I don't think if I were selling any cross stitch that it would leave me for so little. Especially when you put so much of your time in it.
Thanks for all the lovely comments on my last post-especially my son! I appreciate them! I have worked a little more on that piece but I am trying to finish up an exchange and therefore I have not worked on my own stitching. I also have been working on some home improvements and that is cutting into the stitching time too. Anyway, hopefully some stitching pictures the next post! Have a fantastic day and thanks as always for stopping by!