Here is Spring Fling by Blackbird Designs. It's a Loose Feather's from 2005, I can't remember which number. It's being done on 30 count Glen Ellyn linen with the recommended threads. Glen Ellyn is also the recommended fabric. This picture is a little washed out but it's a really pretty green. It's been a real pleasure to stitch this one so far. I am hoping for a finish soon.
Well, the kids are back in school and the grind starts all over again. Hoping for a good year. I have also been getting some finished pieces framed. Will show you those soon. Anyway, not much going on here, though I did manage to get a speeding ticket today. No fun, that just cuts into the stash buying! Off now to the urgent care with baby girl who I think has pink eye-meh! Have a great week!