This is what I call my little sweet spot here at home. My buffet full of cross stitch (we won't discuss all those other things overflowing at my bedside-LOL) I love to rearrange things on here and putter through my stash in it's various drawer's. It is an ever changing little space which makes me happy. Another thing that makes me happy is that spring has SPRUNG! I couldn't resist these vibrant daisies from the store the other day. They make me happy just to look at them and y'all know I like lots of color.;) Can you tell I am happy today? I hope it's contagious.

Here they are up close-aren't they pretty?

I tried my hand at some fabric dying. I started with just one color. It is a little bit more blue IRL. But, I think I could really like this. I dyed this just a simple blue. I have been inspired by
Nicole of Nicole's Needlework finish of Sea to Shining Sea on her blue fabric (that was by Lakeside Linens). So, when I get a chance to purchase the patterns this piece of fabric will be used for that. I tell you I about need to stop visiting her site-because every time I go she makes me want to stitch something new!

This last picture is a lucky win I managed on the bay of evil. Blackbird Designs Winter Delivery. I was really surprised that I won but happy (there's that word again). Thanks for the comments on my African Beauties, they are coming along slowly. I am currently finishing my spring exchange for dear Myrna and I'm a little late with that. So, look for that next. I finished my work classes- they were a tad stressful. Now, maybe I can relax and get busy stitching. Got to run-thanks for stopping by.