Here is my latest little finish full of hope designed by Mary Kathyrn of Handcrafts Online . Designed for October's Breast Cancer awareness. Mary Kathyrn had these available as kits with a donation going to charities supporting breast cancer research, education and support. It is such a sweet design and has special meaning for me as my Mom is a breast cancer survivor. Her cancer was found during a routine mammogram. Thankfully for her and us it was found very early and today she is cancer free! Though, I didn't finish this for October, we should always be aware of this devastating illness to women every month. Ladies, get those mammograms done and perform those monthly self exams-they can save your life. The design is meant to be finished as a pin keep-but I may put it in small frame.
Thank you too for the compliments and comments on Jenna's gifts. I appreciate them very much. Thanks too for the well wishes for my oral surgery. The surgery itself went well. However, the cavity that I had that they couldn't fix till my wisdom teeth were removed started acting up. I had a horrible weekend and resulting week last week. I can't believe a tooth could give a person so much trouble. I did get it pulled however and even with that had days of discomfort. But, all is better now, still an occasional twinge. So very little stitching here due to all of that.
Currently, I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I am working on a couple of exchanges and just trying to keep my stitching organized. I am off the next couple of days, so hopefully some stitching then. I have however started Christmas shopping. Hey, if you can't stitch-shop! I love to online shop-so painless-LOL. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week and lots of stitching.