Here is summer feast by Praiseworthy Stitches cubed. It originally started out as a top for a wooden box but slippery scissors Sharon (say that three times real fast!) made a cutting error. So as Gunnery Sgt. Highway says overcome, adapt and improvise!
So, I was able to make a cube, all I can say is whew! I thought I had ruined my stitching. I am not too happy with the back-as I didn't pull it taunt enough-but I can live with it. It is for me anyway. I think it came out okay. I must admit I wasn't too wild about the first set of birds that came out. Remember the little yellow chicks having their dinner? But each sucessive one I have liked. So much so that below I have started winter bird delight. The colors are so pretty and I am doing it on old country blue linen-which looks a little like periwinkle-just lighter.

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my pinkeep. They are very much appreciated! I got an email from Vonna saying my winter exchange is on the way-I can't wait! Have a great week!