Here is be mine finished into a pinkeep. It was between this or a small cube. The pinkeep won out and I think it is a better fit for this design. I love the colors on this one. I tried to find some hearts for the backing fabric-but could not find any that was close enough to match in color to the front. So, I ended up with this pretty circle fabric. I am pleased with how it turned out.
Thanks for the comments on my African lady. I haven't worked on her since the last update. Too busy working. Our newborn nursery had 34 babies the other morning and trying to keep 20 of them happy at night is no small feat! LOL I have also been n a quandary as to what I really want to stitch on (besides my African lady) and have been floundering around with that. I don't know what's wrong with me, too many projects and not enough time I guess. Hopefully, I will figure it out soon. I hope everyone has a great week and lots of beautiful stitching!