This is shine on harvest moon by Monsterbubbles. I finished it into a flat fold today. I used an ethnic print fabric that had some autumn like colors in it and it had colors that were similar to the stitched piece. I think it turned out pretty good. I had the hardest time with the bow-just could not settle on one-so I went with the raffia bow. Who knows that may change. Otherwise nothing else going on here. I have been stitching and I am currently trying to finish up hocus pocus by Lizzie Kate. I have been busy with the kids too-8th grade math is terrorizing me along with 6th grade science-LOL
Dianne at Dianne Rambling On tagged with me-so here we go. I won't tag anyone but if you want to play please feel free!
# 1 These are the rules for this meme:
# 2 Link to the person who tagged you.
# 3 Post the rules on your blog.
# 4 Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself.
# 5 Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
# 6 Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
# 7 Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
Six random things about me:
1. I am currently obsessed with Criminal Minds, watching the first season on DVD for the second time around in the last month-Shemar Moore gives me heart palpitations-LOL
2. I am addicted to Etsy -I visit it daily and drool.
3. All of a sudden I started disliking going to the movies-I can wait till it comes out on DVD.
4. I am the oldest of 3 girls.
5. I like the outdoors, but I absolutely hate yard work.
6. I was born in Greenville, South Carolina