Well sinceAnnemarie was so generous to send me the wooden rings. I thought I had better get on the good foot and make my first attempt at a floss fob. This is a pattern by Enchanted Needle that I changed ever so slightly. You may remember this was my Goddess pinkeep from last year. I changed the colors to dmc #158 and dmc variations #4220. Those corners give me a hard time-even with trying to miter them. I must work on that. So, what do you think? Naturally, we are our own worst critic. Anyway, I am going to have to search out some more patterns to make these with. They are so neat. Thanks again Annemarie!
I have stitched some more on Dawn, but I think I will show a picture next Monday after I work on her again. I almost want to stitch her exclusively, which is really unusual for me. I followed my rotation (yay!) and I worked on new beginnings today-but the bad frog came to pay me a visit on that one. So, not much progress made. Tomorrow, I will finish my scissor fob exchange. So, I am moving along here. I am feeling good and my incison is healing nicely. I hope you all have a great week!
Recently I emailed Annemarieto ask her where I could find the rings for those pretty floss fobs she makes. I was having some trouble locating them in my local craft store. I must admit, I have had a little fascination going on with them since she introduced them on her blog. So, Annemarie said that she would send me a few and when she did I also received this gorgeous floss fob from her! Isn't it beautiful? I love the color and she included a skein of Caron Wildflowers with it, it is the same color she stitched the fob in. On the back she put our initials. Her stitching is just lovely. Thank you so very much Annemarie, not only for your kindness, but for your time and talent in making me this special gift. I love it!
After seeing Carol'slovely progress on Dawn Fairy, I was inspired to start her. Here is my progress thus far. She has been very easy to stitch and fun. I finally decided to do a tiny rotation(gasp!) Dawn will be my Monday stitch and new beginnings is my Tuesday stitch. Then the screaming rotation will start! LOL. Now, on Fridays-that is my day to work on my UFO. I am moderating the UFO challenge on the FGBB. So, you should join me in pulling out one of those UFO's and working on it. The challenge is just to spend 30 minutes working it no matter what day you decide on. It can be every Friday, once a month or whatever day you choose! I will be working on what side? by Raise the Roof designs. It has a lot of tedious filling in to do.
Now, I have had severe case of startitis this week since I have been off. I started alchemical romance by Ink Circles, spring blossoms by Brightneedle. I also started a kit of an African woman I won on EBay. The last start was Dawn Fairy-which I have found very hard to put down. I also want to start peaceful forest by Bent Creek. Also, lurking around in the back of my mind is and a forest grew!(it's only lurking-LOL) Will the insanity ever stop!! Hope you all have a great week!
Here is my April ornament Snow Joe by Heart in Hand Needleart. He is from the 2000 JCS ornament issue. Isn't he cute-if I may say so myself. He is done in the recommended weeks and sampler threads. Now, I will be all ready for the next SAL weekend. Thanks for all the well wishes, they were very much appreciated. I feel pretty good, except for a little tightness where my sutures are. I am making use of my time by stitching as much as I can. Soon, the children will be out of school and it will be harder to get things done. Anyway, I must run as American Idol is coming on soon-who do you think is going to make it to the finals? I am hoping for a Melissa/Jordin finale. Happy stitching!
Well, I see that is has been a week since my last post. I did not mean for it go that long. I had surgery this past Tuesday, so I have been out of commission the last few days. Nothing too serious, I had my thyroid taken out-but blogging was way down on the list of things to do. Anyway, I was in the mood for a pinkeep, so that is what I finished my LHN's cherries piece into today. I love doing these quick LHN's kits, they are fun to stitch. The next kit is supposed to be pineapples, that should be pretty.
I had all these idea's about what I was going to stitch on my time off-but alas none have quite come out like I want it too. I am working on Lilybet's beach house and I will soon be finished with that. Maybe, I will get my groove back next week. Now, I know a couple of ladies have tagged me, but I am going to skip this round, as for the life of me I can't think of eight interesting/random things about me. I hope you all don't mind. Thanks for all comments on my ornament-I appreciate it very much. Happy Mother's Day and have a great weekend.
Yes, I know what you are thinking-March? But it's May. Better late than never I say. This is noel birdhouse by Brittercup Designs from the 2004 JCS ornament issue. It is missing a bird button near the opening, which I have on order. I also omitted the backstitching on the front of birdhouse as I just liked the solid red. I did it on sparkly white fabric instead of the summer khaki the pattern called for. Now, I am working on my April ornament by Heart in Hand. I hope to have that finished in the next week.
I wanted to thank everyone for those fabulous birthday wishes. It made a special day even more special. Thanks also for taking the time to stop by and visit me, I love it and appreciate each and every comment. Hope you all have a good weekend and happy stitching.