Well, I see that is has been a week since my last post. I did not mean for it go that long. I had surgery this past Tuesday, so I have been out of commission the last few days. Nothing too serious, I had my thyroid taken out-but blogging was way down on the list of things to do. Anyway, I was in the mood for a pinkeep, so that is what I finished my LHN's cherries piece into today. I love doing these quick LHN's kits, they are fun to stitch. The next kit is supposed to be pineapples, that should be pretty.
I had all these idea's about what I was going to stitch on my time off-but alas none have quite come out like I want it too. I am working on Lilybet's beach house and I will soon be finished with that. Maybe, I will get my groove back next week. Now, I know a couple of ladies have tagged me, but I am going to skip this round, as for the life of me I can't think of eight interesting/random things about me. I hope you all don't mind. Thanks for all comments on my ornament-I appreciate it very much. Happy Mother's Day and have a great weekend.