After seeing Carol's lovely progress on Dawn Fairy, I was inspired to start her. Here is my progress thus far. She has been very easy to stitch and fun. I finally decided to do a tiny rotation(gasp!) Dawn will be my Monday stitch and new beginnings is my Tuesday stitch. Then the screaming rotation will start! LOL. Now, on Fridays-that is my day to work on my UFO. I am moderating the UFO challenge on the FGBB. So, you should join me in pulling out one of those UFO's and working on it. The challenge is just to spend 30 minutes working it no matter what day you decide on. It can be every Friday, once a month or whatever day you choose! I will be working on what side? by Raise the Roof designs. It has a lot of tedious filling in to do.
Now, I have had severe case of startitis this week since I have been off. I started alchemical romance by Ink Circles, spring blossoms by Brightneedle. I also started a kit of an African woman I won on EBay. The last start was Dawn Fairy-which I have found very hard to put down. I also want to start peaceful forest by Bent Creek. Also, lurking around in the back of my mind is and a forest grew!(it's only lurking-LOL) Will the insanity ever stop!! Hope you all have a great week!