Here is the latest progress on Dawn. Not too much to show as it seems every Monday when I stitch her, I seem to be missing some thread. Apparently, I can't collect threads for projects-LOL. I have stuck with my rotation, but alas I am missing the petite treasure braid (it's on order) and think without that I can't get too far. Hopefully, I will have it this week.
In family news my oldest son Brandon broke his arm. He was horse playing around my living room and slipped and fell very hard on my hardwood floor. The hardwood floor won! He broke his right humerus(above the elbow area) in two places. We see the orthopedic MD on Thursday at 7:15 in the morning! Can you believe that? I am not sure I can make it-LOL. They are just very busy! Anyway, he is doing okay, he has his arm in a hard splint. I hope that he won't have to have surgery. I hope you all have a great week and happy stitching!
I want to also thank everyone for their comments on the scissor fob exchange. I really appreciate it. Monique asked what count fabric was used. I used 32 count and the stitch count was 31 x 31, which is why that pattern was great for a scissor fob. Not my own original idea however, I got it from another stitcher here locally.