Meari, has tagged me for the 5 things meme-so here we go!
5 Things I wish to do before I die:
1.See my children settled into life and happy
2.Travel in the United States
3.Work Less
4.Retire comfortably
5.Just enjoy life
5 Things I can do well:
1.Great listener
2.cross stitch
3.good friend
5 Things I can't do well
4.lie (not that I want to do that well-LOL)
5.yard work-absolutely hate it
5 Celebrity Crushes
1.Denzel Washington
2.Johnny Depp
3.Vincent D'Onofrio
4.Will Smith
5.Clint Eastwood
Now, I won't tag people individually, however if you want to join the fun-go for it! I haven't forgotten the stash. I will post it soon. Have a great week!