First, of all let me thank you for all the wonderful comments on my last post. Thanks too for the suggestions regarding my furbabies! I did end up getting a runner to go across it and have tried using the water bottle sprayer in order to keep them off it. They actually haven't been too bad and if they even see me with sprayer in hand, they get the heck out of Dodge! LOL
This is Ice Cream Sundae by CCN. I finished it today. I decided not to do the border, as I tend not to like them. So, the ladies in my local stitching group suggested I do something different and this was it. The swirl part at the top is supposed to be in white, but I changed it to the fudge ripple-which is like a chocolate color. I did consider doing the whole border in that color, but for now it will stay like this. Since, I put this on a pink fabric, I notice that the white seems washed out too. But, irl it doesn't look like that. Sorry, the picture is a tad crooked no matter how I tried to straighten it out.
I can't believe another week has gone by. It's officially Autumn now, though you wouldn't know that in Florida. I was a little better about posting an update. But, some of my time is now consumed with kids and homework. So, I guess once a week is not to bad. Anyway, I must run. You all take care and have a great week!