This award was given to me by the following two ladies:
Dawn of Golden Angel Works
Noreen of Needle Caboodle

The Kreativ award was given to me by the following ladies!
Dani of Navy Stitching
Von of On the Dry Side
Andrea of Deep Fried Cupcake
Bette Reflections of a Desert Rat (edited to add Bette-this was an oops on my part! Sorry Bette!)
Now, I am supposed to pass these awards on to more kreative and brilliant bloggers-well here is where you will all hear a clucking in your ear. Yes, that would be me chickening out. Hey! I love you all-so it's hard for me to just pick seven. My google reader runneth over! So much so I am having a hard time keeping up with all the postings. That being said I appreciate the awards and thoughts behind them more than I can say! Thank you again!
Now for that framed finish that I was telling you about. I decided to frame my hope piece by Mary Kathryn . A good friend suggested it and I thought it was a great idea. So here it is framed!

I also want to say a big thank you for the many compliments on my exchange with Jinger!! Anyway, I must run. Take care and happy stitching!