Yes, it's me the lazy blogger. I have been bad at posting. But, it has been a busy few weeks for me as the kids were sick with the flu. Alexis really had it bad. Then I have been studying for a couple work required classes that will soon be over. It makes me feel guilty when I am stitching and not studying. But, for the times when I can overcome the guilt I have been working on African Beauties by French designer Corinne Leroy. It is being stitched on straw WDW fabric with DMC variations 4130 I believe. There will be three ladies on this when I finish. Other than that, not much going on. I have slowly getting back into my stitching. I am also working on the new clothesline by RTR call scrub a dub dub and currently trying to finish my Spring exchange. I hope to post a little more here soon. Thank you for your continued visits! I hope you have a great weekend!