First up, I couldn't resist starting The Simple Things by Blackbird Designs. It is just so pretty to me and I love the colors. I am using the recommended fabric and threads. It has been very enjoyable thus far to stitch! The flowers and leaves are outlined by a chain stitch-I hope when I get that point that I will be able to master that stitch. Because I am terrible at specialty stitches! I did pull out Quaker Garden but alas I am distracted again!

Now, the proud mama moment comes in regard to my oldest son Brandon. This is him right getting ready to go to his eighth grade dance. He completes middle school in a couple of days and then it is off to high school. Really, where does the time go? He has really evolved to me over the last year. He is interested in learning the Japanese language and has been studying himself via CD at home. He is actually pretty good at it. He has become very health conscious and has increased his exercise by running, skateboarding(something else new) and playing basketball. He has lost at least 30 pounds over the last year. He is forever researching something on the Internet! He is just an all around great kid! Don't get me wrong. We have our struggles-(math comes to mind) but days like today and seeing him look so happy just make things like that melt away.
I appreciate all your comments on African Beauties! Have a great week! Coming up next I will have to show you a cute little find from the bay of evil....