Here is my second flat fold attempt. This time it was done completely by the no sew method. The pattern is Lizzie Kate's. I have had this in my finished stack since 2002. I never could figure out what I wanted to do with it until now. It is also the very first piece that I stitched on linen. I haven't crossed stitched on Aida since then. I am very happy to have it out of the finished pile and to be able to enjoy it out and about in my home.

Well, I have completed my first flat fold and I must say I am reasonably happy with it. I used Judy Odells Flat Fold Book. The book was great as it provided step by step instructions and pictures. (Lord knows I needed pics) My only complaint would be that as a novice sewer I knew nothing about the ladder stitch and it doesn't tell whether or not to use regular sewing thread.
Lucky for me Anne at Feather Stitching had just completed a flat fold and she answered a couple of questions for me. Thanks Anne! I asked her if she sewed or glued her pieces together. Her stitching is so beautiful you can't tell! She sewed her pieces together. But, she had provided a link for a no sew flat fold here. What's a sistah to do? After much indecision, I decided to glue the front two pieces together using tacky glue. Because, a sewer I am not. I then put it under something very heavy for a couple of hours, and this is the finished project. I made the bow myself.
One of the reasons I am glad it came out okay-is because this gives me more finishing options. My next goal is to try a box. But stitching friends don't hold your breath on that one just yet-LOL ETA: The no sew flat fold instructions are courtesy of Kim from In Stitches. She also has no sew cube instructions which you can find here . Thanks Kim!
Well after fiddling and fooling around for three hours, I finally produced my first pinkeep. Let me tell you the mind ain't what it used to be-as I made it much harder on myself than it should have been. Hint to myself-read the instructions all the way through! Thanks to Cathy from With Needle and Thread for emailing me the instructions. This is one back I will not be showing! It looks okay for a first attempt I guess. Now you guys be honest and if you have any helpful tips-help a sistah out and send them along! Now off to try a flat fold! Wish me luck.
This is village fish market by Bent Creek. Barbara at Mainely Stitching enabled me on this one because she stitched such a pretty one for Isabelle. I call this one my funky fish market as I changed the colors to suit my kitchen which has an orange accent wall.

Picked up my finished pillows tonight from my LNS, I am so pleased as they are to go in my daughter's room. I asked that they be fun and funky and I got these great pillows with beads. I love the beads! Of course, they will be set up and away from my fur babies because I am sure they would love the beads too! I love getting completed items back whether it be framer or finisher! Hopefully, one day soon I will be able to finish some of my stitching finishes.
The first pillow design is by Monsterbubbles and it is called Aquarius. The pattern came from Just Cross Stitch Mag. My favorite part besides the colors is the sun in the middle. Diva is designs by Lisa. I thought it really fit my daughter as she can be a little high maintenance-LOL! It was stitched in Kreinik metallic thread. My daughter's room is a lovely shade of bubble gum pink with a flower border of red, orange, purple and fuschia. So, the pillows will go very well.
A few people asked about the stitcher's retreat I am going to next month! It is called the Needle Fair and is being held by Needle Delights. It is being held at Beckwith Camp and Conference Center in Fairhope, Al. It's about an hour from me-so not far to go. Package included meals. I think there was only more spot available. I was lucky as I decided at the last minute to go. Anyway, I must run. Happy stitching!
Prior and current progress on Quaker Garden. Sorry the top picture is so dark! Working slowly but surely, of course it would help if I would stop misplacing my threads. I am going to have to get organized as I am spending a lot of time pawing through stash to get certain colors or patterns. By the time I am finished looking-I am almost too exhausted to stitch. So, although I would love to have a chifferobe to store my stitching stuff in-it won't happen anytime soon. I am going to have get some storage drawers in the interim.
In other exciting news I signed up to go to my first stitcher's retreat in October! Looking forward to that! Currently stitching on QG and working on Village Fish Market by Bent Creek! I have some stash to share, but will post later! Happy stitching!
kitty love. Here is Kojack-who is visiting me this morning from atop my computer desk! He is a mischievous little devil! He likes to climb everywhere and I have to watch him in the morning as he likes to wake me up by chasing my feet under the covers! Ever been woken up with a kitty claw in the feet-let me tell you it ain't pleasant. But, I love him!