Picked up my finished pillows tonight from my LNS, I am so pleased as they are to go in my daughter's room. I asked that they be fun and funky and I got these great pillows with beads. I love the beads! Of course, they will be set up and away from my fur babies because I am sure they would love the beads too! I love getting completed items back whether it be framer or finisher! Hopefully, one day soon I will be able to finish some of my stitching finishes.
The first pillow design is by Monsterbubbles and it is called Aquarius. The pattern came from Just Cross Stitch Mag. My favorite part besides the colors is the sun in the middle. Diva is designs by Lisa. I thought it really fit my daughter as she can be a little high maintenance-LOL! It was stitched in Kreinik metallic thread. My daughter's room is a lovely shade of bubble gum pink with a flower border of red, orange, purple and fuschia. So, the pillows will go very well.
A few people asked about the stitcher's retreat I am going to next month! It is called the Needle Fair and is being held by Needle Delights. It is being held at Beckwith Camp and Conference Center in Fairhope, Al. It's about an hour from me-so not far to go. Package included meals. I think there was only more spot available. I was lucky as I decided at the last minute to go. Anyway, I must run. Happy stitching!