Well, I have completed my first flat fold and I must say I am reasonably happy with it. I used Judy Odells Flat Fold Book. The book was great as it provided step by step instructions and pictures. (Lord knows I needed pics) My only complaint would be that as a novice sewer I knew nothing about the ladder stitch and it doesn't tell whether or not to use regular sewing thread.
Lucky for me Anne at Feather Stitching had just completed a flat fold and she answered a couple of questions for me. Thanks Anne! I asked her if she sewed or glued her pieces together. Her stitching is so beautiful you can't tell! She sewed her pieces together. But, she had provided a link for a no sew flat fold here. What's a sistah to do? After much indecision, I decided to glue the front two pieces together using tacky glue. Because, a sewer I am not. I then put it under something very heavy for a couple of hours, and this is the finished project. I made the bow myself.
One of the reasons I am glad it came out okay-is because this gives me more finishing options. My next goal is to try a box. But stitching friends don't hold your breath on that one just yet-LOL
ETA: The no sew flat fold instructions are courtesy of Kim from In Stitches. She also has no sew cube instructions which you can find here . Thanks Kim!