First, I must thank everyone for those beautiful comments you left regarding me and my Grandfather. They were very much appreciated and I do believe some of you had me blushing. You all are very sweet. I hope my Grandfather continues to do as well as he is doing and it would be nice to have inherited his longevity.
I finally have a finish for 2007, this is called shine on harvest moon by Monsterbubbles. It was a free design that I requested from Wilchelt Imports. As, you can see lots of color and different as most of the Monsterbubbles designs are. Those bars were a little tedious though. It's great to have a finish though. I think this would make a great pillow.
Now on to the SBQ this week, I hope to better about answering these questions this year. There were some really great questions posed last year and I may have to go back and answer some. Here is the question for this week:
Do you dream of running your own LNS/ONS? If so, tell us about your
dream. If not, tell us about your cross stitch dream… maybe you dream
of designing, dyeing your own floss or fabric, etc.
Now, I must admit I do dream of owning my own shop-but I don't think I have enough knowledge of various stitching things to do that. I think those people that do needlepoint, hardanger, quilt or sew would be best to do something like that. But, to be surrounded by cross stitch everyday would be wonderful. Sometimes, trying to design somehting crosses my mind-but it is only wishful thinking on my part.