Well, I think this is the first that I have went a week without posting. I am in one of those little slumps of no definitive plan as to what I really want to stitch. I have been working on LHN peach fruit pack. I even have been browsing over some of my UFO's. But, nothing just hits me. I hate when this happens. Also, my arthritis has been really bothering me in my right wrist which is my stitching hand. So that does not help either. Anyway, it is very nice weather here in Florida-it actually has been very mild here. A perfect night for trick or treating. Since it is Halloween, I thought I show a picture of an old finish called It's Monster Time by Annalee Waite designs. It happens to be in my finished-I haven't decided what to do with pile-LOL Hope everyone has a great Halloween and happy stitching!