Thursday, March 22, 2007

One of my favorite signs of summer.....

is flip flops. Can't live without them. My all time favorite flip flops are by Teva. This little pattern by Simple Stitches says so many flip flops, so little summer. I hope to finish it this week. As, you can see my computer is straightened out again. Thanks to that new teenager in my home downloading music and downloading me a nasty little virus. So, he is currently banned from downloading and I am contemplating purchasing me a laptop for my exclusive use! Of, course that will have to wait a little bit-probably when I get my taxes back.

I am already for the Christmas SAL this week-got my pattern picked out with the fabric ready to go. So, I am looking forward to that. I am waiting on some threads from Vikki C. to complete an exchange. Other than that-many more stitching thoughts flying through my head. Hope you all are having a good week.

Edited to add: I don't know what has happened to my picture. Will try to get it back up asap and Dude! I am getting a DELL! (big happy dance here!)